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Wrinkle Reduction & Prevention

What areas can be treated?

There are a few different ways that neurotoxins can be used for cosmetic purposes. They can be used to address lines and wrinkles on the forehead and eye area (crow's feet), as well as lip lines. It may also be injected to soften the dimpling of the chin or into the muscles of the jaw to create a more slim appearance. In some cases, Botox may also be used by dermatologists to treat medical conditions such as hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating.

How does it work?

Neurotoxins (such as botulinum toxin type A) is an injection that is put into a certain area using a very thin needle. The neurotoxin blocks the nerve signals which stops the muscles in that area from contracting. This allows the skin to stay smooth and without wrinkles.

Does it hurt?

Neurotoxin treatments are quick and not painful. Most patients say they experience minimal discomfort during the injection process, but that it does not continue after the completion of the procedure. Because the treatment requires no anesthesia or recovery time, some patients even schedule appointments during their lunch hour and can return to work right after their appointment.

When will I see results?

Each patient is different, but most will typically begin to notice results gradually between 3-7 days after receiving injections. For some, it may take up to 2 weeks to realize the final effects.

How long will my treatment last?

The results of a dermal filler injection will vary from person to person. Typically, the results will last from three to six months. The location of the injection and the amount used are the two biggest factors that may affect how long it lasts. Other factors include your age, the elasticity of your skin, and wrinkle depth.

Dermal Fillers

What areas can dermal fillers be used for?

Dermal fillers may be used to replace lost volume in order to restore the structural support and give the patient a more youthful appearance. The goal is to make the face more harmonious and rejuvenated. Lips may be injected to improve their shape, size, symmetry, and proportion. The cheeks may be injected to make a face more defined and attractive. An underdeveloped chin may be injected to make it appear more projected and proportionate. The nose may be injected to improve the shape and its contour.

What does the procedure entail and is it painful?

Generally, basic dermal filler procedures don't require anesthesia because the dermal filler contains a local anesthetic. It is simple and straightforward--it involves a few tiny injections directly into the skin and takes between 15-30 minutes. Make-up can be applied immediately after the procedure and you can go straight back to work. The results of this treatment can be seen right away. If you want the best results, you will need to have repeat treatments over a long period of time. The number of treatments you need will vary depending on your individual situation, as well as the type of dermal filler is used.

How soon will I see any result and how long does it last?

The results of the treatment are seen immediately, but they gradually get better over the next few weeks. The results usually last between 9 and 18 months, but you can maintain the best results by getting repeated treatments regularly. The length of time that the results last varies from person to person depending on how much improvement they need and how severe their wrinkles are.

Are dermal fillers safe?

Nurse Maghen only uses products that have a proven safety record. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance that naturally occurs in the cells of the skin, so there is no risk of an allergic reaction. Even people with food sensitivities can safely receive these fillers.The brands of dermal fillers we use are available in more than 90 countries. They have been used as an injectable cosmetic treatment for more than two decades and have a good safety record.


Who can have this treatment and what are the results that can be expected?

Patients with areas of thinning hair or weak hair growth may be candidates for PRP treatment. PRP is not suitable for patients with complete hair loss or bald scalps, as PRP cannot help grow new hair on a bald area. PRP helps to make thin hair thicker by strengthening the hair follicles. This treatment has been shown to be effective for both men and women who are experiencing hair loss or thinning.

How many treatments will I need?

The recommended way to get the best results is to have 3-4 sessions, with 4 weeks between each session. After these treatments are done, some patients might need to have maintenance therapy once or twice a year, depending on how severe their hair loss is.

What is the process?

First, blood is taken from the patient. The blood is then centrifuged to separate out the plasma. This component(plasma) of blood is full of healing and growth factors. The plasma is then injected into your scalp using an injection device. The injection device is used to put the plasma under your skin. This makes tiny channels so that the plasma can go into your skin and hair growth is stimulated. The technique of injecting PRP is painless with the use of the Pistor injection gun and the process can be done in less than an hour.

How long will it take for me to see results?

You will start to see results about three months after the procedure, but the final results may not be visible for up to six to twelve months.

V Carbon Anti Ageing Peel

What does V Carbon Film contain?

V Carbon Film contains the following components:

1. Natural exfoliating agents with antioxidant, soft exfoliating, and brightening properties:
• Ferulic Acid
• Mandelic Acid
• Lactic Acid

2. Components which help obtain a firmer appearance:
• Ginger extract
• Licorice extract

3. Activated Charcoal for a final purifying and refreshing effect on the skin.

What are the Benefits?

V Carbon anti ageing peel treatments help;
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Brighten complexion
• Tighten dilated pores
• Stimulate collagen
• Improve skin texture
• Reduce acne scars and post-acne discoloration
• Clear pores to reduce blackheads and whiteheads
• Lifting effect
• Remove dead skin cells from the superficial epidermal layer
• Healthy natural glow

How Does it Work?

• A layer of activated carbon mask is applied evenly over the treated area. The activated carbon penetrates the pores, detoxifying impurities and removing toxins and bacteria. The peel is then neutralized with the V Carbon peel- neutralizing mask, and the face is thoroughly cleansed.

• This treatment is topical. Some individuals may experience minor tingling during treatment. There is no pain or downtime.

Pre-Treatment Guidelines:

• Stop using Retiniol or Retin A products 1-2 weeks before

• Avoid peels, exfoliants or masks 48 hours before

Post-Treatment Care Instructions:

• Avoid the sun and tanning beds and wear sunscreen every day. Reapply sunscreen if you are spending time outdoors.

• Avoid abrasive skin care products, peels, and masks one week after.

• Avoid extreme heat such as the sauna, steam, hot tubs, etc.